Who runs this site?
- CSI Fans who love the show and created a site just for CSI Las Vegas fans to be informed in the latest CSI World! Run mostly by Becca and Liz. Also with the help of Lina, Gale,
- Episodes Reviews by Kaylea
- Can I take information, pictures, etc ?
- Yes, you can, is an open site. As longer you don't forget credit us, theres no problem!
- Is this a CSI Official Fan Site?
- No we aren't the official
Yes, you can, will be very thankful! You can contact us via mail, twitter or facebook and lets us know your donation!. We will give you full credit for the donation.
Where did "Cold Blooded Files" name came from
After almost a year online, we want an original name for our site. Site member Gale, gave the idea of the name
Can I be part of CBF?
We love to have new partners in our site, mostly super CSI fans! Who will like to share their time to work on this website! Theres some rules before you can join the team, that will be explained to you. We look for people who have time for the site and is a great CSI fan! If you want to be part just contact us!
Can i donate fan art?
Sure! We will appreacite your donation! We will give you an album with credits for you, including your CSI Art work! Just contact us!
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